Monday, July 20, 2015

The BEST Summer Reads For Children (& a tiny victory!)

You know those little projects around the house that you keep telling yourself you'll get to "one of these days"? (I have about 2,184 of them.) 

But then you start to doubt yourself, because you've been saying it for so long, you wonder if the day will ever come?

Be encouraged. You WILL get to it... eventually. I tackled one of those little projects the other day - our youngest son's cubbies. They were overflowing with stuffed animals, matchbox cars, books and odds n' ends. (When you're a newly-turned six-year-old, and so fresh to the world - - even a scrap of paper with a number written on it can be part of a precious collection.) Bless it all.

 I'm sorry I didn't snap a before picture.

But here's the after...

Although Cubby (ironically, that's his nickname) wasn't thrilled with me going through all his things, he was so happy to see the end result. He felt like he had his own little library! It was like Christmas, discovering books he hadn't seen since, well, Christmas.

I wanted to share a few favorite children's books you might enjoy reading with a special kiddo this summer...

Blueberries for Sal - do you remember this one from when you were young? It practically IS summer. This would be a great one to read before you go berry picking!

Into the Outdoors is a delight! The illustrations make you feel like you actually went on a camping trip, having slept near the sweetest versions of woodland creatures. (And if you happen to be a tired mama - it's a great length for bedtime. Not too much text where you have to take a deep breath and gut it out, but enough so that your angel child won't say, "That's it?! Can we read one more since that was so short?")

A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee is a fun and exciting adventure! After braving the great outdoors, Mr. Magee ends up sleeping in the best place of all...I'll never tell! 

How To Train A Train is ADORABLE. It's one of those books that makes you ask, "Why didn't I think of that?!" It's a smile in every page.

So go ahead and tackle that project... I'm cheering you on! 
(And forget about the other 2,183 on the list - Rome wasn't built in a day.)


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