Thursday, August 20, 2015

August in the Garden...

It has been the sunniest and warmest summer we've had since moving to the Seattle area 15 years ago! It reminded me of summers growing up in Northern California.

Our garden loved all of the sunshine (our grass, not so much)! 

Here is the garden gate, covered in vines and hops...

Once the hops fade to a golden brown, I love bringing them inside to decorate with. The hops vines add texture and a touch of nature to mantels and shelves.

It was a happy morning when our youngest discovered "his" corn was ready! This was our first corn - we had tried last year but it didn't grow. He shucked each ear excitedly and ran it into the house... :)

We are also enjoying watching our first watermelon grow!

Along with our first pumpkins...

Zucchini has grown in abundance.

Grapes grow along our back fence. This type is a little tart, but our boys like snacking on them. Our chickens love them too! ;)

Thank you for stopping by today and taking a peek into our garden. Did you plant a garden this year? Did you try anything new? What did the best? I'd love to hear!


  1. How wonderful that your boys will have home grown pumpkins!

    1. Yes, Brenda! It is such good old fashioned fun! :) My biggest challenge is knowing just when to pick things... we're still new to this and learning.

  2. Sweetness everywhere! What a wonderful life you live! xox

    1. Thank you so much. God has given us so much more than we deserve. I still pinch myself that we get to raise our boys on this mini farm. It's a dream come true. (A lot of work, we're finding :) but a labor of love.)

  3. What lovely success you are having! I do not garden, but I love watching a garden grow!

    1. We are definitely beginners but I am enjoying more and more each year. There is something very satisfying about it all. I think you are a gardener - - plants and pretty flowers - - I remember seeing them on your blog!

  4. I just popped over from, ' French Country House ' link Loved the photo of your vine covered gate. Wow, how great your boys can pick their own corn on the cob, all your fruit & veg looks worthy of being seen on a top class veggie store. Knowing when to harvest vegs is much more difficult than knowing when a flower is ready to be picked . I only grow flowers so that's easy. you said you were a beginner, well a pretty dammed good beginner.

  5. Those vines look so pretty growing over your garden gate! I have not heard of that vine before so I wonder if it's not native to my area. You are so lucky to have corn on the cob in your garden! I'm jealous. that is one of my favorite vegetables! How neat that you can just go out and grab it from your garden now. Looks like your garden was a success! How fun to have melons and pumpkins too. We've never grown any of that before.

  6. The vine on the gate is amazing!
    How neat that the kids have a garden to harvest so many wonderful vegetables from.


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