Friday, September 29, 2017

A Carriage Door in the Dining Room...

Every once in awhile, something very strange happens on my blog. I'm 99.9% sure that it is human error (aka: my fault). Well, today someone mentioned that this post, that I originally published a couple of days ago, was no longer available. Sure enough... it was gone. So, I went in, updated some links and hit publish. Then I noticed nothing was written! There were only pictures. 

Well, shoot. But maybe like me, your week has been really full and the last thing you want is more words. In that case, this is your lucky post. ;) I'll just summarize it like this - we moved an old chippy carriage door into our dining room (not barn, farmhouse or garage door, but carriage door). A carriage house is an outbuilding smaller than a barn, where they used to house the horse carriage and tack. So if you happen upon an old door that is bigger than a house door, but smaller than a barn door, you have probably found yourself a carriage door.

Hope you enjoy the weekend! Just scroll down for all the pics and links to purchase some of the items found in this post.


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  1. Ahhhhhh no words are needed that beautiful carriage door speaks for itself. Oh my gosh Julie that is a great door. You know me and doors and this one needs to be in my house Yep can you bring that on over!!!! Beautiful. Happy Weekend.

    1. So nice to hear from you Kris, and thank you for your kind words! Glad you like it too. :) Hope you enjoy the weekend! Xo

  2. Hi Julie! lOVE the door and your buckets of wheat !!! Perfect !

  3. Love how all the wood, texture and colors come together. That door is awesome!!

  4. OMG, WHEN I MOVED FROM California to New Mexico,I left an old cabin which had an old carriage house with two doors. Wish I had one of those doors now after looking at your post. So creative!

  5. Hey Julie, I like the door definitely. Also got the idea of using carriage door in dining room. Though the color seems a bit more fade, overall looks great. Just few moment back I was on looking for getting modern Windows and Doors design ideas. My pleasure your catchy tittle drew my prompt attention and that's the story I am here. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great gift you have delivered to your dedicated users, Julie. I was impressed and a little wordless at my first entrance. You made my days surely. Your carriage door sparkling with its own beauties and Vintage Olive Buckets, Grain Sack Pillows, Birch Log Candles, Wheat Bundles and sweet pumpkins you embedded on this page, do enhance glaring beauties. Actually I had my Windows replacement issue and hunting for a reliable service but it's funny that I was able to explore your sweet touch. Love it so much and expect I will be able to discover more hidden treasure here day after day.

  7. Very nicely written article. Looking forward to many more articles in the future
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